
你选择了成为君主. 我们希望你今天就选择发展你的统治!

ODU人力资源培训 & 组织开发团队 is committed to creating relevant learning opportunities, 激励自我导向的专业成长, 促进对自己和他人的最佳管理. We have created and 策划 online professional 开发ment opportunities for all types of learners.



人力资源辅导员主导的课程现在以虚拟形式在线提供. 需要注册!


由人力资源定制的自定进度在线课程, 弗吉尼亚联邦学习中心(COVLC).






行政专业学院, 机密的员工, 和小时工都有资格注册这些课程.

课程s are free and open for all eligible employees on a first come first serve basis. 需要你的主管批准才能参加.

9-11 a.m.
9-11 a.m.
9-11 a.m. (在线)
1:30-3:30 p.m. (面对面)
9-11 a.m.


  • 为业绩成功提供指导: 准备好为你的员工提供最好的服务. This course will help you identify the mindset and skills needed to coach for performance. Coaching models will be discussed to help maximize performance and foster positive results.
  • 沟通灵活性:理解并适应你的风格; Building communication flexibility allows you to choose a different style to customize your message to the preferred communication style(s) of your audience and ensures that your message is 听到. Understanding different communication styles is crucial to working together effectively. 在本课程中, 你会学到四种不同的沟通方式, 如何识别, 确定你天生的沟通风格, 以及如何调整自己的沟通方式.
  • 有效的沟通技巧: Effective communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining resilient working relationships at all levels of an organization. This course will identify the common barriers of communication and practice the skills necessary for effective communication.
  • 情商i:自我管理; Can you adequately harness your emotions so they don't interfere with your ability to listen or problem solve? This course delves deep in to how the brain handles emotion and how to identify the differences between emotions and feelings to help you manage yourself and others in the workplace.
  • 情商ii:社会意识 & 同理心: Social awareness is our ability to accurately pick up on the emotions of other people and understand what is really going on with them. This course will help you improve your ability to understand others' emotions and reactions and respond in a supportive and understanding manner.
  • 情商iii:关系管理; Relationship Management skills allow us too not merely be transactional, but to be transformative. This course will support your ability to foster the best out of others and your ability to help them grow, 开发, 解决冲突.
  • 领导: 领导是一个决定,而不是一个职位. 这个在线课程是为有这个愿望的经理们创建的, 内心的驱动, and a growth mindset to move from where you are now to where you have chosen to go on your leadership journey. This online course is structured to provide a broad overview and to establish context to allow learners to categorize leadership characteristics and foster future learning and self-开发ment. Participants will be taking a selection of self-assessments that will provide you with insight and identify areas and opportunities for continued learning and growth.
  • 弹性和准备:像冠军一样应对变化; 适应变化的能力是一项至关重要的技能. This online course is designed to empower you with the tools and insights needed to thrive amidst uncertainty. 通过对韧性的探索, you will gain insights into your reactions and behaviors and explore resilience-building techniques that foster adaptability.
  • 重要的服务行为: 卓越的客户服务应该被所有君主所实行. 其核心是, 优质的客户服务确保每个人都觉得自己受到重视, 听到, 受人尊敬的, 公平对待, 和欣赏. Find out how to demonstrate the Fantastic 服务 Equation and 开发 your skills to provide exceptional customer service.
  • 控制你的时间: Time management can have an enormous impact on your performance and productivity in the workplace. This course will help participants identify the common distractions that get in the way of getting things done and identify strategies on how to minimize these distractions.
  • 组队成功: 成功与失败的区别在于一个伟大的团队. This class will enable participants to learn the importance of teamwork to workplace success and the specific role each individual on a team may play. 你具备理想团队成员的3个优点吗? 参加这门课程,自己去发现吧.




A link to required training materials will be provided one week before scheduled class. Attendees are responsible for printing their own copies of training materials.

行政专业学院, 机密的员工, 和小时工都有资格注册这些课程.

课程s are free and open for all eligible employees on a first come first serve basis. 需要你的主管批准才能参加.

9-11 a.m.
9-11 a.m.
9-11 a.m. (在线)
1:30-3:30 p.m. (面对面)
9-11 a.m.


  • 为业绩成功提供指导: 准备好为你的员工提供最好的服务. This course will help you identify the mindset and skills needed to coach for performance. Coaching models will be discussed to help maximize performance and foster positive results.
  • 沟通灵活性:理解并适应你的风格; Building communication flexibility allows you to choose a different style to customize your message to the preferred communication style(s) of your audience and ensures that your message is 听到. Understanding different communication styles is crucial to working together effectively. 在本课程中, 你会学到四种不同的沟通方式, 如何识别, 确定你天生的沟通风格, 以及如何调整自己的沟通方式.
  • 有效的沟通技巧: Effective communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining resilient working relationships at all levels of an organization. This course will identify the common barriers of communication and practice the skills necessary for effective communication.
  • 情商i:自我管理; Can you adequately harness your emotions so they don't interfere with your ability to listen or problem solve? This course delves deep in to how the brain handles emotion and how to identify the differences between emotions and feelings to help you manage yourself and others in the workplace.
  • 情商ii:社会意识 & 同理心: Social awareness is our ability to accurately pick up on the emotions of other people and understand what is really going on with them. This course will help you improve your ability to understand others' emotions and reactions and respond in a supportive and understanding manner.
  • 情商iii:关系管理; Relationship Management skills allow us too not merely be transactional, but to be transformative. This course will support your ability to foster the best out of others and your ability to help them grow, 开发, 解决冲突.
  • 领导: 领导是一个决定,而不是一个职位. 这个在线课程是为有这个愿望的经理们创建的, 内心的驱动, and a growth mindset to move from where you are now to where you have chosen to go on your leadership journey. This online course is structured to provide a broad overview and to establish context to allow learners to categorize leadership characteristics and foster future learning and self-开发ment. Participants will be taking a selection of self-assessments that will provide you with insight and identify areas and opportunities for continued learning and growth.
  • 弹性和准备:像冠军一样应对变化; 适应变化的能力是一项至关重要的技能. This online course is designed to empower you with the tools and insights needed to thrive amidst uncertainty. 通过对韧性的探索, you will gain insights into your reactions and behaviors and explore resilience-building techniques that foster adaptability.
  • 重要的服务行为: 卓越的客户服务应该被所有君主所实行. 其核心是, 优质的客户服务确保每个人都觉得自己受到重视, 听到, 受人尊敬的, 公平对待, 和欣赏. Find out how to demonstrate the Fantastic 服务 Equation and 开发 your skills to provide exceptional customer service.
  • 控制你的时间: Time management can have an enormous impact on your performance and productivity in the workplace. This course will help participants identify the common distractions that get in the way of getting things done and identify strategies on how to minimize these distractions.
  • 组队成功: 成功与失败的区别在于一个伟大的团队. This class will enable participants to learn the importance of teamwork to workplace success and the specific role each individual on a team may play. 你具备理想团队成员的3个优点吗? 参加这门课程,自己去发现吧.




A link to required training materials will be provided one week before scheduled class. Attendees are responsible for printing their own copies of training materials.



你的学习经历如何? 让我们知道! 以提供卓越的客户服务, we ask participants to submit an online training evaluation form after each course.


联系人力资源培训 & 组织开发团队 with any questions or requests at hrtraining@hxset.com, or visit our team page for more information about our trainers and 服务.


发展你的领地 refers to the 专业发展 courses either created, 策划, 或由我们的人力资源培训协助 & 开发团队. 有2种类型的开发你的自治领课程:

  1. 同步辅导员主导课程
    这些课程是由我们的团队提供的, 有明确的会议时间(在线), 并且需要注册才能参加. 可用的课程列在这个页面上.
  2. 非同步自学课程
    这些是在线学习模块. 我们有定制的课程 弗吉尼亚联邦学习中心,我们有专门策划的课程 LinkedIn学习.

你可以在网上注册课程. 去我们的 发展你的领地 页查看当前可用的类.

  • 去我们的 注册页面
  • 点击你想注册的课程名称
  • 点击“注册”按钮
  • 输入您的姓名和ODU邮箱,然后点击“保存”


是的, you must register to participate in the 发展你的领地 Facilitator-Led (synchronous, 网络课程.

然而, there are a number of on-demand 发展你的领地 courses available on the Commonwealth of Virginia 学习 Center (COVLC) that are asynchronous and do not require registration as they are self-directed. If you like self-paced courses, you should also check out our course collections available on LinkedIn学习.

  • COVLC课程:
    • 一旦你完成课程, scroll to your Completed 培训 section and if a certificate is available, 单击或TAB到单选按钮, “查看证书”
    • 点击位于对话框左上角的打印按钮
  • 在领英学习上的课程
    • 打印, or 分享 你在LinkedIn个人资料上的毕业证书.

    电子邮件 hrtraining@hxset.com 尽快.