VP for 人力资源, 多样性, 公平与包容


欢迎来到bet8体育娱乐入口! 我是九月·桑德林, and I'm the Vice President for 人力资源, 多样性, 公平与包容. 我们很高兴你能加入我们. The Department of 人力资源 is here to partner with you throughout your tenure at ODU. We always want you to feel welcome to contact us regarding your Human Resource needs.

作为君主, we have developed campus-wide service standards that all members of the Pride are expected to exemplify. 我们一直努力做到:

  • 专业: We demonstrate professionalism when we exhibit a high level of competency and respect when interacting with our students, 的同事们, 社区成员. 我们很友好, 集中, and recognize that we are accountable for consistently meeting the needs of those we serve.
  • 伦理: We adhere to the University's Code of Ethics and demonstrate the spirit of the Code when we treat others impartially. We demonstrate integrity to our students, 的同事们, and the community by adhering to University policies, 程序, 以及服务标准, and we apply them in an equitable and just manner.
  • 尊重: We recognize that everyone has the right to be treated with kindness, dignity, and consideration. We strive to demonstrate patience, compassion, and concern towards all with whom we come in contact.
  • 知识: We are responsible for ensuring that we possess the expertise necessary to provide complete and accurate information to those requiring assistance. We will actively collaborate with those that have the knowledge and/or information needed to facilitate resolution.
  • 响应 
    We are committed to providing accurate, timely, and solution-oriented service. We look for ways to improve efficiency and to foster an environment of open communication so that we may ultimately provide the highest standard of service.
  • 协作: Geographic and institutional boundaries do not define the ODU community. We recognize that our customers are any internal or external parties that we may encounter, whenever we represent the University in an official or unofficial capacity. 我们培养社区意识, 包容, and collaboration when we avoid silos and partner with various members of the ODU community to promote teamwork while providing a high standard of service.

Again, welcome to bet8体育娱乐入口. We are so excited for you to become part of our diverse, supportive, and inclusive community. 我期待着与你合作!

Vice President for 人力资源, 多样性, 公平与包容


9月Sanderlin holds more than 30+ years of human resources experience, and has been a Monarch at ODU since 1997. 作为人力资源副总裁, 多样性, 公平与包容, 她负责组织发展, 培训, 员工关系, 补偿和分类, 好处, 劳动力计划, 合规, 信息系统, 招聘, 人员配备, 交易和记录保存, and she also oversees the 办公室 of Institutional Equity & 多样性.

在ODU任职期间, Sanderlin has chaired a number of critical initiatives, including the Threat Assessment and Management Committee, Quality of University Life program and the Enrollment Management Customer 服务 subcommittee. 在州一级, she is a member of the Department of Human Resource Management 培训 Council and the Virginia Universities' Chief 人力资源 Officer Council.

In her previous role as acting vice president, Sanderlin was a member of the President's Cabinet and served as a strategic partner by providing the human resources perspective to decisions impacting the campus. She directed the administration of the Chronicle of Higher Education's "Great 大学 to Work For" survey, which led to ODU's attainment of Honor Roll designation and being named a "Great College to Work For" for the second consecutive year.

Members of the campus community often hear Sanderlin say, “视情况而定," which reflects her belief and philosophy that the Department of 人力资源 does not promote "one-size-fits-all" solutions. She has served as a catalyst for change at ODU by developing and administering a number of organization development initiatives, 包括部门重组, 战略规划, 变更管理, 绩效管理, 组织评估, 解决冲突, 360度反馈, 利用评估进行团队建设, group process and facilitation methodologies.

Sanderlin holds a bachelor's degree in sociology from Mary Baldwin College, a master's in occupational and technical studies from ODU and certification as a Senior Professional in 人力资源. She is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management and the College and University Professional Association for 人力资源.